How Long Can Landlords Leave Their Tenants Without Air Conditioning?

how long can a landlord leave a tenant without air conditioning
Last Updated: December 5th, 2022

Published on

December 5, 2022


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how long can landlords leave their tenants without air conditioning

If you’re searching for this article, it’s more likely than not that your landlord has either shut down your AC/heater or hasn’t fixed your air conditioner in years. 

If that’s the case, then let us start off by saying we know your struggle. Unfortunately, it’s more common than you think that various landlords will leave their tenants without any form of temperature regulation system. 

But, don’t start panicking because there may be actions you can take to put your warmth in your own hands!

You may ask yourself, “Can my landlord even do this to me? Can they leave me with no air-conditioning to just melt or freeze to death…? How long can a landlord leave you without air conditioning?” 

We spent dozens of hours researching, interviewing, and googling so you don’t have to! Our PMA Partners have dealt with multiple landlords who’ve invested in and built multiple apartment complexes and all of their answers have one thing in common. 

Let’s start with the most important topic when it comes to landlords… Is it legal to leave you without air conditioning?

As the cost of living continues to rise, more and more individuals are renting apartments due to the unaffordability of purchasing homes. 

This has led many landlords in California to cut back on expenses like AC for their tenants, which can lead to violations of tenant rights as well as legal liabilities for themselves. 

Our mission with this article is not only to help the tenants who have been undoubtedly wronged but also to educate the landlords who want to keep themselves within the bounds of AC tenant laws.

The tenant has the right to air conditioning in their dwelling for the duration of their lease.

If the tenant does not have air conditioning and is in a private rental property, then it is illegal for the landlord to withhold air conditioning from them. The landlord cannot violate state law or regulation by withholding this from them.

Even though there are legal rights to air-conditioning in disrepair cases, the minimum standard that the law sets is that landlords must provide tenants with operable air-conditioning units and keep them in good repair.

In the United States, some states require that air-conditioning systems be operable when the outside temperature reaches a certain threshold (usually 80 degrees).

There are also laws in many of those states that make it illegal for landlords to turn off or reduce an apartment’s central AC system from September 15th through June 15th.

Landlords Can be Punished For Leaving Tenants Without Air Conditioning for Too Long

While the specific punishment and laws for these issues differ from state to state, tenants in Texas can sue their landlords when they are not provided with adequate cooling during the summer months.

Landlords who don’t provide tenants with proper AC will be fined if they leave tenants without air conditioning for more than four hours. Tenants can go to court to sue them, and if they win, the landlord will have to pay up to $1000 in fines.

According to the law, landlords can only leave tenants without air conditioning for a maximum of 24 hours. If they leave them without AC for more than 24 hours, the landlords are illegal.

Landlords are not allowed to leave their tenants without AC for too long and they can get punished if they do that.

In the next section, we’ll discuss the real duties of a landlord, and go over what you as a tenant have as rights when it comes to both repair and maintenance. 

The Landlord’s Duty of Repair and Maintenance Explained

The landlord owes a duty of repair to their tenant, but the tenant also has a duty to take care of their unit. This article will explain what this means and explore the implications for landlords and tenants.

Tenants have a right to safe and livable housing under Florida law. Vendors who sell rental properties are required by law to disclose any known defect in the property that they are aware of at the time of sale. If they disclose any defects, they must also describe how they should be repaired or how they can be avoided.

The landlord’s duty of repair and maintenance can be defined as the responsibility of a property owner to ensure that the rented property is habitable. This includes repairing any damages, including any damages caused by the tenant, and performing maintenance work on a regular basis.

In some areas, landlords are required by law to make certain improvements to their property, such as installing smoke alarms or adding an elevator.
These laws vary depending on where you live (e.g., some buildings have more stringent requirements than others). If a landlord doesn’t comply with these, they may be fined by the local government.

What’s the point of all this information? 

To show the audience that you do have options. You don’t have to panic if you find you and your family are lacking the proper insulation for heating and cooling in your home. 

Take a look at these four tips to truly take advantage of the knowledge you learned today!

how long can a landlord leave you without air conditioning

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